
20-22 Oct Brisbane - "Village To City" (Ivory Coast music theatre)

Forwarded on behalf of BEMAC [bemac@uq.net.au]...

“Village To City”

Drum beats…foot beats and vibrant African colours will fill the Brisbane Powerhouse next week with the presentation of Village to City. The show involves the production and presentation of an original, vibrant, music, theatre, dance show which uses traditional Ivory Coast music and dance. It tells a universal story of the importance of culture and belonging,- the building of bridges between the young and old and between traditional and contemporary life.

The project is the original concept of Bobo Salley originally from the Ivory Coast, who has written the script and music and will also perform. Village to City is a story of a young girl ‘Emmanimo’ who leaves her African village for the big city with her parents, who were looking for work. Emmanimo misses the village way of life and her friends and feels isolated in the big city. She gradually withdraws into herself and shuts out everyone around her. At first, the parents were too busy to notice the changes, but finally came to the realisation that their daughter was extremely unhappy. They decided to take Emmanimo back to the village, to reconnect with her past memories and sense of belonging by undergoing an initiation ceremony. Bobo Saley, says that “Emmanimo recovers and learns that the spirit is always with her-and that happiness comes from within. She learns from her experience in the village that even in the city, she can initiate community sharing through music and dance”

Village to City includes original music with contemporary and traditional rhythms. The show involves live band (Acoustic Guitar, Bass and Traditional Drums). Performers and musicians will include Bobo Salley (composer, singer, drummer) and Adeline Salley (dancer) who will be joined by Brisbane based professional actor Senayte Mabratu (Ethiopia),and some of Birsbane’s best African musicians including Richmond Achapong “Joe T” (Ghana), bass player, Phil Emmanuel (Tanzania), Joe Okelo (Kenya) Keyboard player, Anton Durira, back up vocals Zen Gumede and Moira Clayton all from Zimbabwe) The group will be joined Tusa, a member of a touring Ghanian drummers and dance group, Walla.

The project is funded by Brisbane City Council, Creative Sparks Grant program and supported by Brisbane Multicultural Arts Centre

Performances at Brisbane Powerhouse Visy Theatre

Thursday 20/10, Friday 21/10 and Saturday 22/10/2005

Bookings at Brisbane Powerhouse Box office: 3358 8600

For more information, and phot opportunities, please contact Lome Swan on

Telephone: (07) 3311 1033, Mob: 0405 188 475

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for Lome Swan:

Hello Lome,

This is Yolanda, from Canada, formerly from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am in Sydney on business til Feb. 02 a.m. and trying to get in touch with you. I'm staying at the Novotel Brighton Beach Hotel. Please call or e-mail me: yolanda_banks@hotmail.com.

Hope this reaches you,
